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The Plot
The ho'hum feeling of life has overcome the chaotic style of living that was active around Earth after the larger-then-life battle with Lord Ender; Which revealed the existence of Shinigami, Hollows and even demons. The madness which had happened in Japan had spread like a virus all throughout the world. Luckily, though, before the insanity could even reach a high level; The Soul Society sent out many diplomatic figures throughout the world of the living.

Each of these diplomatic people were sent out to calm the public, work with local and national governments, stop riots from taking place and to stop any human from foolishly going after a shinigami, hollow or demon. Eventually, the world simply got use to the existence of these creatures and let their governments, along with the Gotei 13, handle these things. Of course their were a number of organizations who were against this and had their own dark agenda, but the Governments of the world would stop these people easily with the help of shinigami.

Yes, yes. The normal way of life would prevail eventually. The only difference now is that humans were more aware of their surroundings and more cautious of these beings.

But this is only temporary... There is still much evil yet to be unleashed on the world... There are still many battles to be fought, many people to be killed, many lifes to be forever changed. It may be peaceful for the moment, but all of this will soon change.

Kin Iramasha, founder and leader of the Kokuryuteshi, intends to start a war with the Soul Society. First, they will gather enough members in their army to fight against The Iramasha on Iramasha Island. Their forces will be great and in many numbers, that's when the Iramasha will upon the Gotei 13, The Suigara clan and the Karakura Defenders for assistance with this threat. That's when the mother of all brawls will happen upon Iramasha Island and throughout the Soul Society since the Gotei 13 believes Kin and his followers are too much of threat and need to die.

He also intends to convert everyone to his army either by force or a mass version of Chaos Soul; killing anyone resisting his will. After that, he intends to wipe out the Soul Society, Earth, Demon World and Hueco Mundo. Once that is completed he will have his armies rebuild the worlds in his own image.

But that's not the worse of it. He's also aiming to destroy other worlds, galaxies, universes and even Alternative Dimensions in order to spread his army even further and give everyone in power their own world.

He and Andrei, Commander of military Operations and Kin's right hand man, have also been experimenting on creating their own realms and planets as well just incase they have to destroy everything.

But Andrei simply wants to destroy everything, unlike Kin. Which is where problems will arise later on as well.

And that's not the only threat looming over the horizon for humanity...

Sensing the tension in the Soul Society, Demons will begin to strike Earth and Hueco Mundo. Hueco Mundo will be a secondary target due them needing more space to house their expanding race. However, the main reason they are invading Earth is to un-seal their King, Touketsu, from the body of Ketsu and free his pets; Oni Chiita, Kutogatshi annd many others selaed inside Ziamichi's.

However, there is a reason why he is still the king of demon world even though he is sealed. He's promised the Demons Immortal life after the eradication of all over beings on Earth. How would he do this? Well, he knows for certain that death has a physical body now and knows how to tap into that power.

There are TRILLIONS of souls just waiting to be free'd or used in the wrong way inside of this mother fucker. Although it isn't anything like a human, hollow, demon or any type of body we know.

And only Touketsu knows where it is sealed. Touketsu was also once apart of Death as well. He wanted to see what it was like to tap into that power thousands of years ago. ...and even he said it was too much for him to do. The agony, insaity and depersation of those souls were so intense it nearly drove him to insanity from their sheer will. He would have to come back when he was stronger.

From all sides, it seems Earth is racing towards a destation with death.

Which side will prevail?

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In The Thread, "Clash of Titants", there is currently a major threat of Radiation spreading throughout some of the Seireitei due to the on-going spar with 0 Division Member, Ceon Clixx, and Former Vice Captain of Kenpachi Zaraki and Biological Experimentation of KJ: Radioactive. There is also a major Category 5 Hurricane to be worried about as well forming from Ceon Clixx.

During the battle Radioactive used an attack he hadn't used in awhile. To sum it all up, it's basically a miniature nuclear explosion going on within the Gotei 13's boundaries.

It should also be noted Radioactive was used as a walking, breathing, fighting nuclear weapon during the war against the Quincies thanks to the mad scienteist, KJ Yunashi. Thanks to the modifications to his body he was able to help in the extermination of Quincies with the Gotei 13.

Will anyone be able stop these two from destroying everything for the sake of fun or will they eventually finish each other off? For now, if your not at least on 0 tier, it's better to stand back and watch this battle from afar. Anyone under 0 tier will be more prone to die if they enter this battlefield.

So you've been warned.

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PostSubject: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 12:50 am

Tsunayoshi Iramsha

It was a bright and sunny day outside. the wind was blowing and the sun was out. The gentle breeze swept past through the forest and up the mountains. The air was fresh in this area and it was the best place to relax. It was a beautiful area. The trees climbed all around the mountain and the wind whistled through the trees. The woodlen creatures were all scattered through out the fort doing their own thing. the birds chirped and the ructling of the animals could be heard throughout the forest. It was a great thing. This place was the best.

Tsuna, one of the head of the Iramasha clan, loved this place most of all. The water crashed at the waterfall and the ricver brought the water down the mountain and into the many pools and lakes throughout the forest. the was truly one of the only untouched wildernesses in the area and on of Tsuna favorite places. he coudl feel the energy of the forest. He could feel the plants energy. It was vibrant. everything in the forest just felt good. Tsuna swooped through the trees. His wings out streched soring high up in the air and back down. He landed on the highest tree and allowed his wings to receed into his back making him look like a normal human.

Tsuna was a brown skin man who looked to be about 19 years of age. Any human who saw him wouldn't noticed anythign out of the ordinary. tsuna was one of those people who tended to go unnoticed unless of course his disguise was broken. Not onyl was he one fo the leaders of the Iramasha clan, but eh was also one of the most well known singers on the world. Once he leaves the Island he becomes a celbrity so he tends to lay low quiet alot these days. But in the end it was always fun.

On this beautiful day Tsuna decided to hand out on his own in one of his favorite places. he loved to watch the animals roam around. Bears hunting for their food. he even hunted a few himself jsut for hfun. He ate whatever he caught so it wasn't bad or anythign of the sort. He pulled out his flute and began to play a song. It was an enchanted melody unlike anthing he would play at his concert. It had an angelic sound to it and it was soft and smooth. It carried through the forest almost as if it were awakening the very forest itself. animals gathered around the tree where Tsuna was playing. the elegant song would attract even the most vicious animal and subdue it. It was a very relaxing tone. Hwoever, Tsuna felt a disturbance in the forst. the reitsu was unnatural. Semed to him like a Ziamichi but the carrier was human, a quincy. Tsuna started to head in that direction without thinking twice.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 1:13 am

She had been traveling for some time, still hoping to find the answers that taunted her mind and soul. Along the road, she had decided to take a short cut, to her next destination. This would mean crossing the over the mountains. To a simple- minded human, this may have seemed like an impossible obstacle to get passed, but to herself, it seemed like another challenge form everyday life. She had no supplies on her at the moment, so it would make a her journey even quicker. She simply headed off of the roads, into a thick forest that lead up to the top of the mountain. She easily weaved through trees, and bushes that blocked her passage, longing to jump up in the branches, and push off one to the next. There was one thing holding her back, and it was to keep her disguise.

Taking one glance, Akila would have looked as if she was just a 17 year old girl, taking a camping trip in the mountains. What most did not know about her, was that she was a quincy, maybe even more than that. While heading up higher and higher, her thoughts lost in trying to remember her past, she did not notice the strange presecene up ahead. Even the delightful music she had heard, did not phase through to her brain, for she only kept walking, seeing it as motivation to move on. Her jet black hair only bounced up and down, as she continued on with her journey.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 1:29 am

Tsuna noticed that the presence was weak. whaever it was it wasn't very strong that was for sure. He hated weak opponents but a hunt was a hunt. He wouldn't kill his little prey but fighting a Ziamichi was somethign taht Tsuna found fun. He didn't attack everyone of them he found but he just felt like playing around with them today. Tsuna came up on the Zaimichi that had come by. He looked at her. It seemed to be a girl around 17 years of age. This reitsu signiture was that of a quincy, a long range type. Well this would be interesting. the girl was pretty cute and if she had any sort of ability to sense reitsu she would be able to feel him very clearly now that he was close.

Tsuna stopped in a tree above her as he was coming across the mountain. The animals in the area had already fled. the noise that the two were making scared anythign that was in the area off. tey weren't loud but the more they moved the more animals left the area. Tsuna had put up the flute he used to create the melody and sat in the tree waiting for the ziamichi girl to come a little closer.

"Well you seem to be a cute little girl, what are you doing all the way up in the mountains" stan said with a nice enough voice. It had an edge of excitement in it. he might start taunting the girl a little bit about her weak spiritual power. Tsuna just wanted to play with the girl a little bit. See how strong she was. even the weaker ones have pretty good strategies when it comes to a fight. tsuna wasn't too mean as to just straight up muder a girl like that.

"What's a quincy, especially one with such low spiritual power doing all the way up here in my territory" Tsuna said in a mocking tone. He knew she wasn't too weak. She was most definitely weaker than he was but not the weakest he had ever seen. He looked down on the girl as if she was some kind of scum. Tsuna wasn't normally like this but sometimes when he feels a certain level or boredom or irritation he tends to go into a mode in which he becomes a cocky asshole. When he gets like this he really is hard to deal with. "Come on there has got to be a reason your all the way out here"
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 1:45 am

The Reiatsu hit her like a 1000 pound weight dropped on her back. She definetely sensed the others presence now, as she snapped out of her little daydream. She did not look up at all, as she continued to march on. The strange spiritual energy that was upon her, seemed different. It did not seem like anything she had been up against before. She placed her left hand down amongst her side, ready to form her bow if any action were to take place. She looked up for only a split second to see a man in a tree, but she quickly looked back down as if she did not notice him. She did not want to fight anyone who had not wronged her, or attacked her in some kind of way.

She only continued up the mountain, drawing close enough to the strange man, so that she could here him. Hearing the tone in the man's voice, made her anger seem to rise even more. Though she was gaining more irratted by the minute, she kept her cool, and brushed off the man's comments. SHe somply continued on, walking under the tree that the man was rested upon, and tried to continue on her way, as if she did not notice him. She felt something terribly dark and evil bubbling inside of her, but she forced it back away from her mind, beginning to wonder once again what was wrong with her.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 2:00 am

Tsuna looked down and noticed he mad her mad and that seemed to snap him out of his little stooper. He becoming a total ass seemed to be coming more frequent lately. The influence of the emeralds power on his persona was taking it's tole. Tsuna being the head guardian always traiins with connecting the emeralds with himself. Sometimes it can cause adverse sideeffects, especially since he tries to connect to all of them including the master emerald. He looked down and felt a little bad abotu what he did. He hoped down form the tree and hid his spiritual pressure a little bit. It seemed to mess with her a little bit.

He walked up to her and said. "Um sorry about that, sometimes when I feel a presence of somethign interesting I get a little excited" tsuan said in a truly apologetic tone. he really didn't like making people mad. He knew that using so much power of the emeralds too often was messing with his head but he told no one. IT probably only a side effect on him. tsuna had a darker side to himself that he didn't liek to show but the overflow of power seemed to bring about that side in him.

He sized her up a bit. She really wasn't that bad looking,, well for a human. He doesn't make it a habit of taking an interest in humans but he couldn't lie to himself. that just wouldn't be right. "So what's your name, I don't just wanna be talking to someone without using there name. taht woudl just be rude" tsuan said in a newly cheerful tone. It was so different than his earlier tone that he was prepared for the girl to be a little frightened.

She was definitely a quincy. Not the most powerful one that he had ever seen but then again his idea of strong was not something that most people would understand. He would say she had a decent amoutnof spiritual energy. but there was soemthign else there. Somethign that had not yet awakened. It was not really a part of her and TSuna knew what it was. it seemed liek she hadn't used it power yet or not much. tsuna knew that if he was around her it would awaken. That's just how things are. Strong reiatsu would influence the things around it.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 2:14 am

She looked up at the dude, slightly shorter, and tryed to catch why his mood had changed so fast. She also felt the spiritual pressure around her loosen up, making her feel a lot better. She noted that this man was not an enemy, and when taking a good look at him, he was kind of cute. Though she thought this, she did not show any signs of affection, yet, she looked at him with a slight smile. My name is Akila Kitashi...but you can call me Aki if you want, remembering the name her family called her, before that faithful night.

Tilting her head to one side, her bangs leaning over to that side, putting on such an innocent look that only a 17 year old girl could, she asked, "So you gonna tell me your name now?" She looked around a little nervously, not knowing what could be causing it. Was it her past, this strange thing inside, growing seemingly stronger, or this...man....what did she see in him. She ahd never accepted someone so easily, seeing that she had been hunted her whole life. She wondered, while waiting for his name.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 2:35 am

"The names Tsunayoshi Iramasha, You can call me Tsuna if you like, or any nickname you can think of. SOme of my friends even call me Tsu-kii. I don't understand that one but I guess it's all right" tsuan said with a smile. the wind started to blow through the area and Tsuna just smiled more. He loved this area the most. It was so far out form the sity that everything was untouched by modern society. This was a place where he could literally spread his wings out. The sun shown through the trees and created a really maginificent sight. this was the best.

Tsuna was the type of person that, when not being a total jerk, hat the ability to make people feel at ease. He never really had trouble talking to peopel before. Others just loved to be around him. He didn't have many enemies except for the Arrancar that he hunted. however, they usually ended up dead so it wasn't too big of a deal to begin with. Tsuna wondered if she was from around here. He had never seen her before and he had seen alot of people around Karakura town. It was true that there weren't that many quincy in the area anymore. In fact they were nearly extinct around here.

She seemed to look around nervously. tsuna doesn't really go around looking for reiatsu in the area. So he wasn't on alert. He tends to only react to reiatsu if it seems to be coming toward him or if there was not suppose to be anyone with relatively high reiatsu in the area. which is the reason he came looking around and found aki. She really looked troubled and he was a little worried. he didn't like to see people troubled about things.

"You seem a little nervous, si something wrong" tsuna would have made a jokke at the time. something like 'you haven't fallen for me' or somethign stupid like that. But at the moment she didn't seem like she was in the mood for those kidn of jokes. Somethign didn't seem right. Liek she was scared tahts something was following her. tsuna didn't even think of the idea that something would attack. True, even if something did attack he would kill it or defeat it easily. Tsuna was very confident about his strength. there weren't so many people that were as strong as him that would actually be stupid eenough to get into a fight. The ones that were strong enough would have no real reason to fight him out of the blue anyway so he pretty much didn't care. "If there's somethign wrong you can tell me..."
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 2:52 am

She looked back at the man, trying to hide the bad feeling taht something or someone were watching us. She tried to wipe the expression of her benig nervous or scared from her face, for she did not want some stranger to get caught up in her troubles. She put on another smile, even though she was alert, she seemed as if she didn't have a care in the world. She had opened her mouth to reply to Tsuki's question, just as an arrow, obviously one of a quincy's, grazed her cheek, and flew passed Tsuki. Blood instantly dripped down her cheek, as she quickly took to defensive measures.

Turning on her heels, her bow, of a sky blue color, with no perculiar shape of its own, besides a normal bow, formed in her left hand. As she raised her right hand, and qiuckly knotched a bow, with extreme speed, gained from her many days of training. She did not look back, but simply muddered, "Tsuki, you should leave....this is not your problem to deal with." Though her statement was serious, she could not hide the hint of pain, of having to split up with someone who accepted her. She realsed the arrow, as another one, of a darker blue shade flew through the forest, towards them. HEr arrow collided with the other, the spiritual weapons shattering into nothing, as she had already had her next arrow ready. She peered into the forest, wondering why she had not sensed this quincy earlier..., and then something else hit her. It was a group of shinigami's reiatsu, but more stealthy...She wondered if she could take on so many enemy's at one time, but she also knew that she could not die here, not yet...
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 3:23 am

tsuna hdan't noticed these guys following them. Of course if he was looking around for them he could have. the onyl reason he noticed Aki was because she wasn't even trying to hide her spiritual pressure. tsuna had looked at her liek she was crazy. There were definitely more than one enemy in the area and she wouldn't be able to take care of these guys all on her own. Now for tsuan that would be a different story. None of these guys were even captain rank shinigami. even if they were stealthy they wouldn't be able to get past him. Tsuna looked at her like she was out of her mind. She really wanted to go down like this. that was something Tsuna didn't like abourt this situation.

Tsuna stepped forward and looked back at Aki and said. "Step back a little" tsuna was completely serious. there was no way he was just gonna leave and have her fight these guys that woudl easily taker her out. "You know you can't take these guys all on your own, why would you even try" Tsuna said as if he was a little disappointed. He didn't like fleeing thr battle feild. Tsuna spiritual presure rose sharply. reiatsu started forming in his hands. two chakrams appeared. each had 3 scythe liek blades coming out of a crntral ring. They hovered over Tsuna's palms ready to go. "I'll leave a few for you, just don't let my spititual pressure over take you ok" tsuna said with a smile

the chakrams started spinning. in a 4 foot daiameter from the center of the chakrams all powers were neutralized. Even if somethign was fired at them it would dissipate before even reaching the blades. teh only things that worked on them were physical attacks. "Now little lady just watch and learn, you'll get your chance in a second. Tsuna sensed the reiatsu of 5 shinigami and 3 quincy. Seeing as Quincy and shinigami hated each other, for them to coem out in a joint attack against one girl must mean somethign was up. Tsuna threw his chakram. He woould take out the three qyincy first. Long range people got onhis nerves. he threw the chakrams and they flew through the woods. His right hand chakram could be heard hiting a shinigami. He tried to block it but it came back and cut his arm off. tsuna wasn't going for the kill today. His other one make quick work of the quincy which attacks based off reiatsu which was neutralized by the weapons of Tsuna's. The other chakram which had taken out one shinigami took out about 3 more meaning that there was one left. Tey came back with blood splattered alll over them. "aww that was one fun, that didn't even give me a warm up" he said disappointed. "there's one more, think you can take him out" Tsuna said looking back with a smiel. "he's right over there"
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 3:27 am

Backing away slowly, something in Tsuki's voice, almost frighnted her. She could only imagine, how his enemies feel when fighting him. She watched, as he did such a strange yet powerful attack, that she was almost speechless. Still, she did not like blood and gore, but thinking about what she ahd been through, she had seen alot worse. By now, she still had her bow and arrow ready, for any survivors that might try and attack while we thought we were safe. She felt a tinge of dissapointment as well, fir she also knew that she would not ahve been able to take them. Was she really ready to die...was she going to give up everything she had worked so hard for?

Just as she came back to her senses, she Tsuki saying that there was one left. Before he could even finish his sentence, she had already released her arrow, as it flew witha speed that she had never reached before. The arrow, had burst through a tree, that had been in its path. A large hole lay in the middle of the tree, as splinters flew off of it. The arrow neatly landed straight into the man's forehead, just as soon as Tsuki had finished his sentence. She wanted to him to see her as something different, someone unique. Letting go of her grasp, of her bow in her left hand, it also shattered into nothing, as she clearly saw the battle over. SHe glanced back up at Tsuki, her expression, showing how happy she was, that he had chosen to fight beside her, and not leave her to her death. She didn't want to part ways...just yet...she had never felt this way about anyone.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 3:54 am

Tsuna didn't even finish his sentence before he saw an arrow fly out of her hands, through some trees and right at where the enemy was at. This one seemed to have quiet a bit of power behind it. Seemed liek she was out to prove something. She seemed pretty proud of herself and he had to admit, for her level that attack just now was pretty strong. With a little training she could be pretty good. Tsuna looked back at her and gave her a smile "That was a really good shot just now" Tsuna said. He was completely serious. He hadnt met that many quincy so the way they shot interested him. He even had an attack that mimicked them. But that was suing his actualy powers and not just his blades.

Tsuna looked at her. she seemed very happy for some reason. he didn't really understand why, but then again he didn't know her situation at all. The enemy had been taken care of so he guessed anyone would be happy after their pursuer was gone. Tsuna's spiritual pressure took a dive again and his weapons disappeared. He walked over to her and asked. "So what are you doing around here, don't tell me you were running away form those guys" seeing her shot just now, with a well executed plan she probably could have taken them out. But then again that might just be Tsuna being optimistic.

"After seeing your shot just now I'm sure you could have thoguht of some way to over take them" Tsuna said with words of praise. His smile would make anyone feel good. He looked around. He felt no more enemies in the area. teh ones that survived were gone and the others were laying dead on the ground. "Well in any case, why were those guys after you inn the first place?"
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 4:09 am

She could not help from blushing, from Tsuna's praise and his warm smile. She looked away, trying to hide her face. Her hair blocked most of his veiw, but she did not know how much he had seen. For a while, she thought if telling Tsuki what she could remember was a good thing or not. She decided on telling him, for he had helped her fight of her attackers, and saved her from possible death. She turned her head slowly, a pained, yet confused look on her face. "I am here because I am traveling for answers," She said briskly. She looked into his eyes, a bright blue eyes seeming to shimmer in the sunlight that forecasted the area.

She looked back down, and continued, " My past....I can't really remember it, but I had a brother, mom, and dad. We lived alone, up to my tenth birthday, and than I left the house to get berries, and when I returned.....," she broke off in sobs, tears in her eyes, as the sight flashed back in her head. "They were dead....my family, dead! And around them were shinigami and quincy, like the ones that were before us. AT that moment...something snapped inside me. I could only look at the murderer's of my family, with great hate, and disdain. Then everything was a blur, and I awoke ontop of a pile of ash, surrounded by the corpses of those very shinigami. Form that point on, I've been traveling from place to place, trying to gain information."

As to the shinigami and quincy that attacked us, I am not sure. I believe that they want me dead, for killing their own, but I dont see how that is possible...I was only 10!" She felt her body shaking, as more and more tears rushed down her face. She felt that dark presence grow within her once more.
A reiatsu would have been noticeable around her, for she was to distraught to fight it anymore. She knew not what would happen, it it was let loose, but she could no longer fight it bu herself. Through sobs..., she addressed theher next words towarsd Tsuna..."Help me..."
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PostSubject: Re: Weaklings   Weaklings Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 4:31 am

Oh crap. tsuna was not the best when it came to comforting someone when they needed it. He didn't really know what to do about it so he did the first thing that came to mind. he put his arms around her and brought her close and let her cry to her hearts content. "It's ok I pretty much understand" Tsuan said "It seems your what is called a ziamichi" He continued. "Ziamichi's are pretty much host with Dark Personality's, Demonic, Angelic or any other entity within them that gives them great power that is not a hollow or Zanpukto Spirit." tsuna made sure to keep a gentle tone of voice. From what he had heard she seemed to not be able to control her ziamichi very well or even at all. It woudl grant her much power but without training she would never be abel to harness its power.

"Each beast, demon, angel or whatever is inside the host's body appears to interact with their host in unique ways, and grant their host power in different amounts.Ziamichi's can effect peoples bodies, powers and minds in so many different ways. IN your case it seems to take over. You have no control over it so it easily takes hold of your mind and controls your body" Tsuan continued in a gentle tone. She seemed to be a fragile girl even though she had so much power. Tsuna looked down. "You need to be very carefule with yours, being a quincy it can either give you very powerful bow or destroy your powers altogether. although ffrom what I saw earlier it shoudln't be the latter so no need to worrry about that.

"If you need any help I'll be here for you" Tsuna said. He wasn't really the type to laeve someone out to dry like this. she seemed hurt enough and she needed someone she could rely on. even if the ziamichi took over Tsuna was strong enough to subdue it. "HOw about this, I'll train you to gain control over your 'other', that way you'll be able to control it of your own free will. BUt remember with great power conmes great responsibility" He said. the girl needed training and tsna had read up on alot of things. Not many people could get to the Emeralds he was suppose to guard and even if they could using them woudl take years of trainign so they were pretty much safe. "Come on what do you say, trani with me and gain control or something worst might happen" Tsuna didn't know what the latter entailed. Many things from the Ziamicvhi taking oveer to her dieing a painful deah. Non of which sounded pleasing.
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